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IAHSP® EU Conference and Awards 2022


By Sasha Barker

The IAHSP® EU proudly brings to you the 3rd European Conference and the 2nd European Awards.

This year, the conference will be held in Lisbon’s Pestana Palace Hotel on the 28th and 29th of May 2022. IAHSP® EU has lined up 7 top industry professionals to share their valuable insights over the course of the weekend. Attendees will have access to inspiring talks on success, time management, design principles and even warehouse logistics, just to name a few! This year’s speakers will be as follows:

  1. Birgit Anich (Warehouse and Logistics: Tips and Tricks to Maximise Operational Efficacies)

  1. June Carter (Time Management for Home Stagers)

  1. Annie Doherty (Design Principles)

  1. Barbara Heil-Sonneck (First Impressions Matter)

  1. Marta Monteiro (Vision for Success)

  1. Jennie Norris (Senior Staging Specialist Course and Certified IAHSP Course Trainer)

  1. Mariah Wayhudi (How to Save Time, Increase Sales and Generate Leads Using LinkedIn)

The full schedule (subject to change), which will include lunches and coffee breaks, can be found here. Everything you need to know about what is best for your staging business will be at your fingertips, and you’ll also be surrounded by like-minded individuals with a passion for Home Staging – the perfect opportunity to network and build connections.

There will be opportunities to meet our sponsors and discuss their products and services throughout the conference. We’re proud to announce this year’s main sponsor as quality furniture brand Kave Home. Our Gold Sponsors are StagedHomes & 221, and our Bronze Sponsor is data insight company Stageflow, whose support is hugely appreciated.

We are also honored to have, Home Philosophy and Staged4More, who share the same vision with us in giving importance to home staging education, as our Educational Supporters.

On the evening of the 28th, the 2nd European Home Staging Awards will take place. This is a wonderful occasion for everybody to come together and celebrate our successes as Home Stagers from all over Europe.

We are looking forward to seeing you all there and are confident it will be a fun, fulfilling weekend. You can find more information about the conference, including this year’s speakers, and buy your tickets here.


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