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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.
Let's build IAHSP, together...By sharing the stories of the businesses that make up IAHSP.
IAHSP introduces, "IAHSP Articles" - Where we feature you and your business in a Article that shares your story with the world.
Articles are meant to help the world learn more about what you do, what makes your business unique and how people can find out more.
You can use your Article to share with potential clients, social media, on your website or anywhere you want, to help share the story of your business.
Every business has a story, and year after year, your story evolves and changes.
So, come back and share your updates and story as it changes, with IAHSP Articles.
This is just one of the many ways IAHSP is building community by valuing the members that make up our international community.
IAHSP Articles is about "You", and your story.
How it works
Fill out the Questionnaire
We will Review Your Article
We will Publish it to IAHSP
You Share it with Your Network
Choose an Article Style.
Choose the interview style that features you the best.
Giving Back Matters
Hosted by Jennie Norris, featuring the ways businesses are giving back locally.
IAHSP Articles
This is a great introduction to your company and what makes you unique.
At Home Magazine
A complete digital magazine with a Feature and 2nd Feature Article.
Featured Listing
Now you can build your own press around your listings with a Featured Listing.
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