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Short Term Rental Specialist STRS Course

  • 1 étape
Obtenez un certificat en complétant le programme.
Les participants qui ont complété toutes les étapes du programme recevront un badge.

À propos

Earn your SHORT TERM RENTAL SPECIALIST (STRS) Designation and learn all you need to know to add design services for Short-Term, Mid-Term and Vacation Property Rentals. Taught by Amy Powers, this is the ONLY design course on this topic that is taught by someone who is ACTIVELY WORKING on these projects. You are learning from someone who walks-the-walk, not just talks-the-talk. Amy shares from her CURRENT EXPERIENCE about what works - and is constantly updating and adjusting the course so it includes what is RELEVANT for TODAY.

Vous pouvez également rejoindre ce programme via l'application mobile. Aller sur l'appli




599,00 $US

Discussion de groupe

Ce programme est connecté à un groupe. Vous y serez ajouté lorsque vous rejoindrez le programme.

Short Term Rental Specialist STRS Course

Short Term Rental Specialist STRS Course

Public 2 membres


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